Here are a few pics from last years bounty. Last year we grew almost everything from seed. The Heirlooms were all amazing. The paste were very meaty and just downright good. The pinks were good too. One of the best was the Dixie Golden Giant. Absolutely amazing. As we plan for this year one new one we are going to try is the Cherokee Purple. It's an Heirloom that grows well in the Midwest.
One note of caution with heirlooms in this area. We had three last year that, well, just did not produce.
Aussie, Blue Ridge Mountain and sadly, the Church did not grow well. The Aussie and Blue Ridge Mtn both produced less than 3.
The church did more like 7, but for our production desires, we were disappointed. The hope and anticipation of our slowly growing seeds means that we are checking the seed boxes every day, sometimes, every few hours. Six weeks from now we will have large plants to begin to give away. Again, this year we are going with the cattle panels, doubled up against each other in 8 ft runs. We should end up with 32 ft (doubled) of tomatoes.
I am so ready for home grown tomatoes and your pictures make me so anxious to plant them. I'll be waiting until Mother's Day just like you said. Why cattle panels instead of tomato cages?
In our experience, cattle panels yield more tomatoes than the cages. Don't know why, but we have whoppers in both and the panels worked better.
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