Mother's Day- The Time to Really Plant a Garden

Well, as many of you know, we already planted most of our garden. We are up to 41 tomato plants. 15 heirlooms and 26 regular. We planted 5 whopper plants because those are our favorite tomatoes for BLT's. Why 41? Well, we could plant more and probably will but that is how many we have planted so far because we grew most of them from seed and were not sure how many would take. So far the Church heirloom is doing very well, as is the Grandfather Ashlock. The Blue Mountain and Aussie are absolutely terrible. They did not grow well in the seed starter and after transplant into the garden did not do well at all. Could be the climate, could be the seeds or maybe it's just a crummy plant. Not sure. We also planted cucumbers, green beans and red/white potatoes. Everything seems to be doing well.
The herb garden has already yielded spinach and onions. We are pleased with it's progress and hopefully will see some of the herbs we planted- cilantro, oregano, thyme and chives start really growing. The pepper plants are growing nicely, but some bugs are starting to eat them. Have to get rid of those pesky bugs soon.
Finally, we are still giving away tomatoes. We have given away of 30 of them so far and will continue to do so. Get those plants in the ground soon so you have ripe tomatoes in June!

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