Heirloom Tomato

Here are a few pics from last years bounty. Last year we grew almost everything from seed. The Heirlooms were all amazing. The paste were very meaty and just downright good. The pinks were good too. One of the best was the Dixie Golden Giant. Absolutely amazing. As we plan for this year one new one we are going to try is the Cherokee Purple. It's an Heirloom that grows well in the Midwest.
One note of caution with heirlooms in this area. We had three last year that, well, just did not produce.
Aussie, Blue Ridge Mountain and sadly, the Church did not grow well. The Aussie and Blue Ridge Mtn both produced less than 3.
The church did more like 7, but for our production desires, we were disappointed. The hope and anticipation of our slowly growing seeds means that we are checking the seed boxes every day, sometimes, every few hours. Six weeks from now we will have large plants to begin to give away. Again, this year we are going with the cattle panels, doubled up against each other in 8 ft runs. We should end up with 32 ft (doubled) of tomatoes.

Seeds Planted Today- March 27, 2010

Jill prepares the soil. Jeremy plants.
Whopper, Early Girl, Fourth of July, Early Challenge, Starter Hybrid, Razzleberry, Sugary, Cupid, Big Beef, Big Mama, Red October, Orange Wellington, Big Pink, Kellogg Breakfast, Chocolate Cherry, Pineapple, Delicious, Yellow Pear, Jet Star, Early Girl, Better Boy
Tomato (Heirloom)
Black Zebra, Dixie Golden Giant, Bulls Heart, Dinner Plate
Mini Bell, Cascabella, Banana, Jalepeno, Jolly Yellow, Ancho, Karma
Thyme, Cilantro, Oregano, Basil, Dill, Chives
Cockscomb, Snapdragon, Jet Set Mixed

We still have seeds on the way.

Even though it has rained most of the day, we are planting our garden.
What we used-
Miracle Grow Seed Starter Mix
Grass Pad Seed Starter Mix
Seed trays- from the Grass Pad
Seeds- Henry Fields, Park Seed, Ferry Morse, Burpee, Tomato Fest

Anticipated day of planting is May 15th.

Today was a great day!