(Black Zebra)
So far this has been the most interesting heirloom tomato in our 2009 garden. Here is what someone wrote about the Black Zebra-
"This stunning, perfectly round 1½" to 2" fruits with tender, deep dark red to caramel colored skin beneath vertical dark green and mahogany streaks . . .Black Zebra has opulent, rich flavor with hints of smoke and sweetness"
It is an absolutely stunning and delicious tomato. We had no idea that a tomato could have so many flavors all wrapped up in one small package.
I (Jeremy) have been anxiously awaiting this one to ripen and after months of waiting, we finally tried it.
This is the best tasting tomato (or maybe a close second to the whopper) I have had this year. I encourage you to find one of these and try it with anything and everything. It is perfect on BLT's!!!!
Our List Thus Far of Top Five Favorites-
1. Black Zebra (heirloom)
2. Whopper
3. Dixie Golden Giant (heirloom)
4. Argentina (heirloom)
5. Bull's Heart (heirloom)
We have 41 tomato plants (6 whopper plants-year, we like whoppers)
And our total harvested tomatoes-
And it's not even August.